The Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS) announces that the association’s triennial show NPE2018: The Plastics Show, the industry’s leading international plastics manufacturing exposition and conference, will debut a new Medical Parts Processing Zone among the frequented Technology Zones on the show floor located in the South Building. This new sector-specific zone focuses on plastics materials, processes and technology advances for medical devices and diagnostics in healthcare industries.
Propelling the demand for this specialized zone is the forecasted three percent growth in revenue from medical device manufacturing anticipated by 2023. This growth is centered around the emerging trend of using plastics in the medical and healthcare industries to create pioneering medical devices, equipment and treatment items.
“Breakthroughs in the use of plastics will drive future medical care efficiencies and bring life-saving advances to hospitals globally,” says Glenn Anderson, NPE2018 Executive Committee Chair. “The Medical Parts Processing Zone will connect new technology providers with equipment manufacturers to source medical innovations and support the business initiatives of vertical market attendees.”
The use of plastics in cleanroom technology is providing cost effective and environmentally friendly innovations to the medical industry. It is imperative that sterile medical equipment is manufactured in a state of the art controlled environment. The equipment, supplies and solutions making this possible will be among the highlights in the zone and will give attendees the opportunity to explore options that meet the medical industry’s high business standards.
The medical breakthroughs of today would not be possible without plastics. From barrier technology to 3D-printed prosthetics to new treatment methods, medical manufacturers can find the robotics, automation and supplies for tomorrow’s health care not only in the Medical Parts Processing Zone, but throughout the Technology Zones in the Material Science, Flexible Vinyl, 3D/4D Printing, Thermoforming and Processors Zones.
NPE2018 will feature 11 Technology Zones in total to reflect a streamlined attendee experience that will help to guide discussions between the attendee and suppliers on the newest equipment, processes and education opportunities transforming the plastics industry. Some of the highlights include the new Bottle Zone, as well as an expanded Re|focus Zone and 3D/4D Printing Zone, all designed to address the growing market demands, highlight innovations and technologies and provide customized education.
With over 1 million net square feet of exhibit space, NPE is the world’s most important trade show and conference serving the plastics industry, its verticals and end-user markets. NPE2018 will provide access to industry-leading and new-and-emerging suppliers from over 2,000 companies showcasing the latest products, processes and technology. With 65,000+ attendees from over 100 countries on the show floor, NPE is the best place for plastics industry attendees to boost their production and efficiencies.