Today Secretary Antony Blinken made remarks in support of a multilateral agreement to end plastic waste in the environment. The following statement from the American Chemistry Council (ACC) may be attributed to Joshua Baca, vice president of plastics:
“ACC appreciates the U.S. Department of State’s continued leadership in the United Nation’s Environment Assembly (UNEA) to address many of the major environmental challenges facing the globe today, including plastic waste in the environment. We are supportive of a global agreement among nations that will accelerate a transition to a more circular economy by expanding systems and infrastructure to collect and repurpose plastic resources.
“In September, America’s Plastic Makers® along with the International Council of Chemical Associations and World Plastics Council announced 5 Principles to eliminate plastic waste, accelerate a circular economy, and serve as the basis for a global agreement. They are:
- Have all nations agree on eliminating plastic waste, while providing flexibility and support to help meet the needs of individual nations.
- Achieve widespread access to waste collection.
- Recognize the role plastics play in a lower carbon future.
- Support innovation in product design and recycling technology.
- Measure progress.
“Plastic makers and our partners throughout the global plastics supply chain strongly encourage an agreement that incorporates these five principles. We look forward to working with U.S. leadership, UNEA, and the international community to end plastic waste.”