Topic of first K-Talk on January 20, 2022: “Climate protection and plastics – do they go together?”
Already now, K 2022 offers a highlight to get everyone excited about the big industry event: the new K-Talk. For the first time on January 20 and then once a month until the trade show in October, the K Talk will offer exciting discussion rounds with changing international participants, such as industry experts, scientists, representatives of the user industries, politics, media or NGOs. The K-Talk will provide valuable insights, focus on the application areas of plastics, highlight technological innovations and discuss current challenges facing the industry such as the circular economy, climate protection and digitalization. Whether concrete best practice examples or long-term strategies for the future – the visions and different perspectives of the panelists are intended to inspire, provide orientation and encourage international exchange.
Each K-Talk will be broadcast live in English via and will last 45 to 60 minutes. Active exchange is encouraged and questions can be submitted throughout the talk via the chat function. The last 15 minutes of the K-Talk will be devoted exclusively to answering questions from the audience.