Leistritz will host its’ annual Twin Screw Extrusion Workshop on Nov. 29-30, 2017 Classroom sessions are supplemented by “hands-on” twin screw extrusion operating experience. A partial list of topics is as follows:
- Co-rotating and counterrotating twin screw extrusion technology
- Screw design and process techniques
- Techniques for dispersive and/or distributive mixing
- Devolatilization process techniques and practices
- Scale-up of the twin screw extrusion process
- Feeder and material handling for pellets, powders and liquids
- Die and downstream system technologies
- Process troubleshooting
- Screw assembly and disassembly
- Twin screw extruder maintenance tips and procedures
Interactive screw design and assembly session:
For an example of the interactive screw design and assembly session that will be integrated into the program: http://www.alec-usa.com/tsr09-17.htm
“Hands-on” demonstrations at Leistritz NJ process laboratory will include:
- Co-rotating and counterrotating twin screw extruders
- Devolatilization via extrusion: ambient, vacuum assist, multi-stage
- Downstream addition of fillers, fibers and additives
- Direct sheet/film extrusion with gear pump front-end
- Foam extrusion via supercritical injection
In addition to Leistritz staff, industry and academia will contribute to the program.
Dates: November 29-30, 2017
Price to attend: $800
Place: Holiday Inn Clinton, NJ and Leistritz Process Laboratory
To register for this program e-mail sscovens@leistritz-extrusion.com or see this link: http://www.alec-USA.com/tsr09-17.htm
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