Hi Everyone,
Hosokawa Polymer Systems is hosting a free educational webinar on dedusting systems on February 10, 2016. If your subscribers could benefit from this program, please consider posting the event to your website and your e-newsletters. We are also considering some online advertising and email invitations. If you offer these promotional opportunities for a reasonable cost, please let me know.
On Wednesday, February 10, 2016 @ 2:00 PM Eastern Time, Hosokawa Polymer Systems will host a free webinar on “Maximizing profits with a Dedusting System”.
Dedusting systems are designed to remove dust, fine particles, streamers (angle hair) and other undesirable contaminants from a feed stream to improve the overall material quality and value and to maximize your production efficiency. They can also be used to efficiently separate dissimilar materials. There are countless applications where a dedusting system can clean materials such as plastic regrind, chemical catalyst, food ingredients and separate material such as copper from plastic, metals from ARS and labels from crushed glass. In all of these applications there is an increase in profitability through collection of a valuable material or a gained efficiency to the downstream process via the dedusting process. The program will focus on:
- What is dedusting & how does it work
- Dedusting systems & how to select the right equipment
- When you need but don’t really need a dedusting system (Optimizing plastics granulators)
- How does dedusting improve regrind value and maximize production efficiency
- Advanced dedusting & Other applications
This free webinar program is designed for process engineers, equipment operators, production managers, plant managers and company owners. Anyone with an interest in this topic is welcome to register online. The webinar will be about 45 minutes and conclude with a question & answer forum. Please register soon – space is limited for this online program.
Anyone can register at: https://hmievents.webex.com/hmievents/onstage/g.php?MTID=ed2ce2af8556bc6699c18c3c7f36ea909
Greg Boyer
Marketing Manager
Hosokawa Micron Powder Systems
10 Chatham Road | Summit, New Jersey 07901
p (908) 277-9205 | f (908) 273-7432
www.hmicronpowder.com | gboyer@hmps.hosokawa.com
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